Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Classroom observation Essay

I have been observing several elementary teachers during the past eight weeks. All instructors bring into the classroom their individual teaching styles. Within that style there are various and assorted behaviors and actions they performed in their instruction. Most of the teachers observed presented the topic they were teaching. The instructors used teaching aids such as overhead and PowerPoint slides. It helped to keep students on track in the presentation of information. Teachers encouraged class participation in the subject to be taught by asking questions related to the topic. The students connected easily with the material when they could relate it to prior knowledge. Teachers were very organize and interested in communicate with their students. They periodically asked question and made sure students were understanding the concept presented. Students seem to be enjoying the instructional time with their teachers. They seem relaxed, attentive, on task, and actively participating in the subject. I could see that there were hardly any behavioral problems. When students were beginning to lose track of subject, there was one teacher that use humor to bring them back. I run into one exemption when observing a 1st grade teacher. His classroom was not well organized. You could see stacks of papers on different tables. Wall signs were falling down, trash on the floor. Students were the same way. Their desks were full of trash. Their books and supplies under their desk were all over the place. The instructor asked the students to take their language art book out and wrote the page number where they were going to start reading. He had another student controlling the a CD player to star reading along with the CD. It was chotic in that classroom I believe that instructor was not prepare enough to teach this subject and he needs classroom management.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Family as portrayed in mass media Essay

Through the years, the role played by media generated socially relevant and noteworthy impacts to society. Because of exposes and investigative reports, several high-profiled and ranking individuals or personalities were forced to exit the limelight. The scandals and controversies that they went through were simply too much to bear. Whether such situations were intentional or unintentional, still it cannot be denied that media’s appeal and effects cannot be easily dismissed. On the other hand, media channels are also responsible for providing much needed information to the public. Every single day, it has been a habit for many to enjoy their favorite news programs. Others, who do not have the luxury of time, rely on newspapers and online news sites to keep on track and remain aware of the important issues of their respective communities. In recent years, being informed is a necessity rather than a mere caprice of one’s intellectual vanity. As information channels, there is no doubt that mass media has also assume the role of educating and indoctrinating many. However, if there is one thing wherein media is readily recognized—it is its capacity to bring pleasure and entertainment right in the very portals or domain’s of one’s house. While this may sound too superficial or critical about media’s function and importance, providing momentary relaxation and enjoyment is one of the fundamental reasons behind the continuous survival of different media institutions. Mass media are not created out of a vacuum. Aside from man’s desire to communicate and express himself, mass media also serve as the bread and butter of various business tycoons. Yes, it cannot be denied the fact that media are also business establishments or organizations that are aiming towards corporate-related goals and attributions, rather than maintaining its role as the public’s herald and opinion platforms. This also best explains why different media establishments use mass appeal as one of the most important factors to consider in producing various kinds of media content. As a result, various kinds of media-related products are often characterized by their mediocrity and artificiality. There are instances wherein media representations of reality are way to exaggerated or romanticized. The situations and events that are presented seem be too imaginary and does not really articulate the happenings of the real world. Like plain pictures, reality, as shown in mass media channels, such as the newspapers, radio and most especially in films and television programs are often sanitized. The situations and events that are actually happening in the real world are readily modified to capture the public’s attention and therefore garner high ratings and a pool of advertisers. On one hand, this aspect is something that commonly occurs. One should not be surprised with this system. However, since mass media are pretty influential, somehow it also affects the views and behaviors of their respective audiences. If the media is expected to become harbingers of knowledge and information, then clearly, this scenario defeats such purpose. Reality’s portrayal and depiction in mass media is yet one of the most important issues and areas of concern that should be attended and carefully addressed. This stems from the fact that media is the so-called â€Å"fourth estate† which means that these organizations are influential. It can shape and mould the opinions and views of many, which in return, are essential in creating necessary public decisions. In a sense, their notion of reality as portrayed by media can affect the manner wherein an individual generates action and responses towards his or her environment. One of the most popular themes that are often shown in the media, to be more specific in television shows and programs, revolve around family matters. Basically, there are some reasons that can explain the proliferation and promotion of such media content. First of all, filial concerns are generic and encompassing. It is generic since every human being belongs to a family. Regardless of whether a person grew up in a â€Å"foster family,† still the notion of belonging to a highly reliable and trusted group is still apparent. Perhaps the only difference is that, in such a scenario, the biological connections are absent. But then again, in terms of having a primary foundation for one’s identity and members who are always there throughout the time are evident. The kind of â€Å"togetherness† and â€Å"identification† that other groups cannot possibly provide can be seen in the family. Tackling topics and themes regarding the family provides a common ground for many viewers. The problems and experiences that are shown in family oriented shows are reflective of the daily undertakings of an individual. It is easier for the audience to relate and connect to such themes. Understanding the concepts that are being shown does not generate much difficulty compared to other television programs. Despite of the fact that there are episodes which may dwell on heavy themes, the complexity may not be as intense as those of highly-customized shows such as documentaries for example or even in television programs that specifically deals with scientific-related issues and concerns. Given this aspect at hand, family oriented shows can capture the attention and interest of the viewer’s majority in a household. Within a family of five, there is a big chance for a family-oriented program to control these audiences. One can just imagine how many viewers a family oriented show can accumulate in just a single episode. This of course does not include patrons who are outside of the United States. Lastly, it can be also argued that family television programs or shows have less possibilities of being subject to censorship by media regulation boards and groups. Family alone as a concept means that children are involved. Therefore, the producers of these shows should be wary about the language that they use. This is already given regardless of whether minor audiences are really involved or not. Being tactful is strictly observed. What does this mean? This means that the show can somehow avoid the pitfalls and repercussions of being suspended and paying large amounts or sums of fines. The operations are maintained and somehow the program is able to enjoy a considerably high rating and at the same time retain its most loyal viewers or audiences. There is indeed a market for family-oriented shows and programs. However, the more pressing issues and concerns that should be given focus in here is the manner wherein mass media portrays and depict the overall picture of family life. One of the most immediate matters that should be addressed is whether the actual reality of what is happening within the lives of many families is â€Å"truly† shown in television shows and sitcoms. More often than not, while it is true that mass media seeks for objectivity and unbiased representation of reality, it is still affected by the politics, culture and orientation that surrounds it. These forces cannot be really excluded in the whole discussion since these have effects and impacts when it comes to media content. Yet, one should be wary of the fact that focusing on how family life is being shown in mass media channels covers a wide scope. Therefore, in order to make the study more specific and maintain clarity, the explanations and arguments presented in this paper shall provide emphasis on how gender roles are being contextualized in family-oriented programs or shows. In lieu to this, power relations and class struggles shall be touched and analyzed in the whole discussion. The whole concept and meaning of the term â€Å"family† connotes and convey â€Å"oneness, togetherness and belongingness. † However, the divisions that are brought upon by gender and sexual orientations somehow affect the three notions. At the same time, this also have an impact on how the overall picture of being family is being created right in front of the public’s eyes. If mass media has the power to reflect the multi-faceted aspects of reality, then the shows and programs that are shown by these institutions is expected to bring reality—as close as possible to its specific set of audience and viewers. The overall system that dictates society is still patriarchal. The governing rule that is practiced and adhered to is still male-oriented. But then again, it can be seen that the so-called â€Å"girl empowerment† is now making its presence felt. Women are no longer seen as the weaker sex. However, many have been familiar with the â€Å"male system—† that totally asserting women’s voices and opinions becomes a complicated task. In this context, whether equality and justice is already achieved, shall be answered in the succeeding parts of the discussion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Asperger Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Asperger Syndrome - Essay Example Treatment approaches are primarily for improvement, rehabilitation and education on appropriate social, vocational, and communication skills (Attwood, 2003). In this paper, the literature on Asperger syndrome will be reviewed and contributing factors will be highlighted. Treatment and management will also be discussed. Asperger Syndrome was initially recognized in the early 1940s by Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger. In his practice, he observed four of his young male patients with typical intellect and verbal communication development but demonstrating autistic traits. Abnormalities in social interaction and communication, together with restrictive and repetitive behavioral patterns were noted. It was 1944 when the disorder was officially named Asperger Syndrome. Having parallel characteristics, both high-functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome fall under â€Å"Pervasive Developmental Disorders,† as stated in Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (1994) (Myles et al, 2005). the medical world’s improved understanding of the disorder or the actuality of more children exhibiting Asperger Syndrome characteristics, resulting to incorrect statistics on the prevalence of the disorder. However, some studies approximated that in 10,000 children, there are 48 who may have Asperger Syndrome (Myles et al, 2005). Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder that falls under the umbrella of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). AS individuals generally have normal or superior intellect. The disorder is typified by qualitative impairment in communication, social interaction and cognition; peculiarities in sensory input; restrictive number of extreme and highly focused interests; and difficulties in organization and motor movements (Attwood, 2003). extent. AS individuals may have a tendency to experience exclusion and isolation and may have difficulty understanding the world around them, eventually

Sunday, July 28, 2019

John Mill's Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John Mill's Utilitarianism - Essay Example Therefore, Utilitarianism is consequentialism - the morality of an action depended on its outcome, and on nothing else. Utility is happiness or pleasure, and suffering is disutility. Elements of the doctrine of Utilitarianism can be traced back to the Greek philosopher, Epicurus, although Jeremy Bentham is generally credited as the original propounder of this doctrine. "Nature", said Bentham, "has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. They govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think..." (Bentham, 1789, Ch I, p 1) Whatever brought the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people was good, according to Bentham. And this was the starting point for John Mill, in his Utilitarianism. First, let us look at the theory as expounded by Mill, and then follow it up by an examination of its validity. Mill stated that "The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. ... Mill clarifies what he, and other Utilitarians before him, means by the terms 'Utilitarian', 'pleasure' and 'pain'. Pleasure does not mean pleasure only in its "grossest form" (Mill Ch 2). He anticipates the criticism that his theory is likely to attract, stating that people may not agree that humans are only interested in the pursuit of pleasure, and are therefore no better than swine. He shrugs off criticism by stating that a misrepresentation of the meaning of the word 'pleasure' is due to the common assumption that humans are capable of wanting no higher pleasures than those sought by swine, and not due to an erroneous definition of the word by the Utilitarians. He acknowledges the fact that Epicurus, in his time had faced the same criticism, which the current advocates of Utilitarianism face.Apart from quantity, utility or pleasure differed in quality as well. Some pleasures were of a higher or more refined nature like the "pleasures of the intellect, of the feelings and imagina tion, and of the moral sentiments." (Mill, Ch 2). How does one distinguish a more valuable pleasure from a less valuable one This is done by the simple expedient of checking with people. If a greater number of persons rate one type of pleasure at a higher level than another type of pleasure, then the former pleasure is qualitatively better than the latter. Mill argues that a human being, because of his powers of discrimination desires pleasures of a different kind than animals, and is therefore not easily satisfied. By his very nature he may be susceptible to more suffering than animals. However, no human being, would like to give up his human form to become animal, so that he is assured of greater pleasure - of the animal variety. This in itself speaks of a human

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ethical Clinical Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Clinical Research - Essay Example Meeting the diverse needs of these stakeholders generates a number of questions and sometimes conflicts about responsibilities and values, where the most important philosophical need would be to carry out research in a way sensitive to the needs of participants in the field (Chadwick and Tadd, 1992, 7-63). Some basic issues in research ethics centre on special levels of protection and aid for vulnerable and disadvantaged parties, when a research is contemplated involving their participation. These issues cut across clinical ethics, public health ethics and research ethics (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2002a). When individuals lack the ability to select the approach that would be most consistent with their values and preferences, it is inappropriate to give them control over their consent to a research (Royal College Of Nursing Research Society, 2004). Vulnerable persons usually need the protection of a trustworthy individual to make decisions on their behalf. The capacity evaluation is essential to determine whether autonomy or protection is the appropriate governing principle in particular cases (Broome, 1999, 96-103). Ethical and Legal Principles in Research To make autonomous choices, people must have certain abilities, and there is agreement on the basic features of decisional capacity. It has been mentioned that four abilities are central, the ability to communicate a choice; the ability to understand relevant information; the ability to appreciate how this information applies to one's current and future situation; and the ability to give comprehensible reasons for a decision (Noble-Adams, 1999, 888-892). Simple mental status assessments may furnish preliminary guidance; they are insufficient to determine whether someone is able to make autonomous decisions about participating in research. This is more so if the person is being treated for some mental reasons, and research involving these persons are very common (Polit, Becks, & Hungler, 2001, 143-160). Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate decisional capacity in the context of the specific research situation at hand. Decision-making capacity should be assessed through a discussion o f the facts relevant to the particular choice facing a patient. At the least, patients should demonstrate the ability to understand the goals, potential benefits and risks of a proposed research, and should be able to express a reasonably stable choice as well (Manning, 2006, 35-47). Consent and Informed Consent Often, in research, it is insufficient to obtain the cooperation of prospective study participants alone. If the sample includes children, mentally incompetent people, or senile individuals, it would be necessary to secure the permission of parents or guardians. From that point of view, a research problem may not be feasible because the investigation of the problem would pose unfair or unethical demands on participants. The ethical responsibilities of researchers should not be taken lightly (Noble-Adams, 199

Why was the 14th century so disastrous Research Paper

Why was the 14th century so disastrous - Research Paper Example Even with its glory of production of gold and silver, during the 14th century, production reduced and the flourishing state was in a devastating state. Nevertheless, Europe was in the era of medieval industrial revolution. The mediaeval era can be referred to as the time of inventions, innovations in managing traditional means of production and economic growth. The mediaeval people referred to this period as the Great Pestilence or the Great Plague. There are three calamities that Europe suffered namely hunger, war and plague. The 14th Century was a period of anxiety, declined expectations and lost expectations. During the century, Europe experienced two great natural disasters; the little ice age and the Black Death. There were two ice age’s; the first one occurred from 1200 to1600 and the one from 1700 to 1800 (University of Wisconsin, During the first or mini ice age, the Baltic Sea froze to a level that had never been recorded or witnessed, while the Alpine glaciers developed. Combs points out that â€Å"crops failed due to cold temperatures and incessant rain† (168). The result of this was desperate and starved people, who went to the extent of eating one another to stay alive. It can be said that the situation in Europe was unstable. This is because the change in climate caused a lot of changes, especially in food production, as crops failed (Bray 59). During this period, warm and intense amount of cold and wet periods were experienced in Europe. Northern Europe lost much of its wheat and the highlands of Europe produced greatly reduced crops. The feudal system was under different forms of attacks. The famine had destabilized the land-tenure system and led to the increased movement of the peasantry. Banks closed down and others collapsed. War begun to devastate France and impoverish England, while the civil war was tearing Italy apart. The population had remained steady as the food decreased, hence leading to the classical

Friday, July 26, 2019

Travel speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Travel speech - Essay Example Florida seemed like the natural solution. Who hasn’t heard of the famous resorts such as Disney World, Epcot Center and MGM Studios that are centered near Orlando? Miami is also a world-class city with beautiful architecture and a great nightlife, or so I had been told. Besides all of these attractions there was the legendary Florida sunshine and beaches. We decided we wanted our change of scenery to be a trip to Florida, specifically the Orlando and Miami areas. We flew directly from Denver to Orlando. We were so excited to get out of Denver the flight seemed only to take an hour instead of the four it really took. After arriving, we rented a car at the airport and were on our way. Renting a car proved to be a bit of an adventure. We were under 21 so that lead to some extra paperwork and several suspicious looks from the person working the desk, but our charm (and good driving records) paid off in the end. I recommend renting a car when you travel anywhere. There is something very exciting about driving around in a city you have never been to in a car you have never driven before. We headed straight for our hotel and then on to the resorts. We wanted to see as much as we could because we were only staying nine days for the whole trip. We bought passes to the Disney World complex that gave us a lot of freedom. We could go wherever we wanted with just one pass. We had a great time doing the typical tourist stuff. The rides at the different parks were fun. I am now a devoted fan of roller coasters! But after two or three days, everything started to look the same. That’s when I began to notice how some of the people acted towards one another in the amusement parks. I started to notice how parents interacted with their children that were misbehaving. Some were yelling and impatient. Some were attentive and tried to keep their tired children happy. Other ignored them while they talked on their cell

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History wk10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History wk10 - Essay Example Whitten (1993) suggested that infusing Black psychologists into an introductory course will help students understand the social, economic and political factors on human development. I believe this is important because we tend to have a narrow view of the world that only encompasses those areas that we know well. We need to expand our thinking and take a look at how feminists, Black, cross-cultural, gay/lesbians and other look at the world. Talking about these issues in a class will make them more important to the student. Globalization impacts psychology because there are so many different issues that influence an individual's mental health. Arnett (2002) points out that globalization impacts every aspect of human life. He specifically looks at how this impacts adolescents but it is important as scholar practitioners to look at how people are impact. As a teacher and scholar practitioner, I would bring in many different types of issues so that my students could take a look and learn empathy for different situations. I believe that adding DVDs, extra readings and such would insure that students gained a well rounded understanding of why many different multicultural issues were important to the study of psychology. References Arnett, J.J. (2002).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

China's debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

China's debt - Essay Example The largest banks in China lent more than twice the level of bad debts in the year 2013 as they had in 2012 (Jadhav, Neelankavil & Andrews, 2012). Australian banks have lent China an alarming 75 percent more than their usual amount. Their aim, however, is to gain exposure to Asia’s economy in the powerhouse sector. The World Bank has also been a major lender to the Chinese government but on concessionary terms. These finances, however, arise from indirect contributions of the United States, which is the largest contributor to the World Bank. The finances from China are round- tripping as the U.S. massively borrows from China. China has used its borrowed funds, which are mostly Chinese-owned, in the public sector. Some of the national projects that China has involved itself in using the borrowed funds are the construction of sundry new buildings (Koo, 2013). These constructions include homes and offices, some of which are unoccupied over the years. According to the State grid, the new constructions have zero billing on electricity. The established investment platforms for the local government in 2009 have led to a high increase of the outstanding debt by nearly 70 percent. China’s debt also funded several investments in infrastructure (Bailey, Huang & Yang, 2011). These include roads built in 2011. Infrastructure was more profitable than the boom of construction of houses in China. The Chinese situation of being a state with so much debt has had both positive and negative effects on its people. Due to the construction of new houses by the state in 2011 in a bid to try to evade the economic crisis that hit the world in 2008, property prices increased. The nationals had a problem measuring up to this change. The local government raised interest rates of bonds in the money market in China. The inflation increased in the country characterized by increased loan screening (Liu, 2010). The debts have led to declining economic growth

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe - Essay Example The Ibos were already rich with religion and traditions before the coming of the missionaries. Therefore, two religions contrasted each other when the missionaries went to spread the word of God to the Ibo community. The differences and similarities between the two religions of Ibo and Christianity are seen through the conversation between Mr. Brown, the missionary and Akunna, one of the Ibo’s religious elders. When Mr. Brown entered the village of Umuofia to spread the word of God, he met with Akunna. They then engaged in a conversation that demonstrates the differences that exist between the religion of Ibo clan and Christianity that was professed by the missionaries like Mr. Brown. One of the key differences between the two religions is that Ibo clan’s religion practiced polytheism while Christianity practiced monotheism. The main similarity is that both religions believed in a supernatural being. The traditional religion of the Ibo and the Christian religion brought by missionaries were different in some ways and similar in other ways. Both religions believe in a supernatural being. They both believe in their supernatural beings and respect them. They believe that the supernatural being could help them in their troubles and give them good things. In fact, the defenders of Ibo religion believed that their god was almighty, just as Christians viewed their God.

Monday, July 22, 2019

In present time Essay Example for Free

In present time Essay In present time, women have obtained more freedom to express their thoughts  and more privileges to achieve their goals. Their social status had a qualitative leap in the United States compare with the last couple of centuries; this subversion will continue lead women to enter a world which their talent and ability can be completely recognized. Different from today’s value, women who lived in previous centuries do not have the rights to do things the way they prefer. Social morality and family obligation force them to obey others and renounce independent. This inveterate principle stifled generations of women and their freedom. Both works include The Revolt of â€Å"Mother† and A New England Nun by Mary Wilkins Freeman showcased that in order for a woman to regain the pleasures in her life, she has to be intrepid and determined under certain social pressure. By descripting both characters Louisa and Sarah’s detailed inner world such as their characteristics and other social aspects such as other’s judgments, Mary Freeman provided the reader with vivid sense of equality that led the society into deep consideration and introspection of why feminism is necessary. Bothworksservedasimilarpurpose,tospreadtheconceptoffeminism,but with different approaches due to different social status of both characters in The Revolt of â€Å"Mother† and A New England Nun. Mary Freeman’s Puritan way of living had a huge impact on how she considers the world differently. In The Revolt of â€Å"Mother†, Mary Freeman portrayed a married woman, Sarah Peen, who has been serving for the 1 Sun family for forty years without any complain, had an emotional outburst about the new farm that her husband was building. Her husband, Adoniram, promised Sarah that he would build her a house when they are financially improved. Instead of building her the dream house, he planed to build another farm without informing her. She then decided to move into the new barn to live when her husband had gone out. (Freeman) In Freeman’s other work, A New England Nun, she depicted Louisa Ellis, a woman who waited for her fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s returning from Australia for fifteen years, had decided to end the relationship with him after she hears that he has no love to her. (Freeman) This may be an excuse for her to escape from the relationship that will eventually force her to ingratiate others and put her own needs second. However, Louisa made up her own mind and went the way she preferred. By observing the behaviors of these two characters, it is certain that both of them have their own belief and rule of life that is beyond reach. Sarah Peen wants changes in her life, changes that can overturn her current life. As the story begins, Sarah provides service for her family everyday hoping to move into a new house like her husband promised her to. (Freeman 666) Moreover, She is a woman with ideas and goals. Freeman writes, â€Å" ‘There ain’t no use talkin’, Mr. Hersey,’ says she. ‘ I’ve thought it all over an’ over, an’ I believe I’m doin’ what’s right. I’ve made it the subject of prayer, an’ it’s betwixt me an’ the Lord an’ Adoniram. There ain’t no call for nobody else to worry about it.’† (670) This is what Sarah replied to the minister when he came to convince Sarah not to disobey her husband. After 2 Sun forty years of waiting, Sarah decides that she is strong enough to take a stand for the change. She is surprisingly independent and rebellious. Her rebellion does not only exist for against her husband, but also for against the social role that she is suppose to play as a submissive wife. Even though she accepts her responsibilities as a wife and a mother, her determination and resistance to the power of tradition was never stifled. As a wife whose husband often ignores, she opposes her husband’s male dominance over hers and remains integrity, courage, and privation overall. However, Louisa Ellis from A New England Nun had an opposite lifestyle with Sarah has but the same perception of individualism. LouisaEllis,unlikeSarah,isafraidofchangesandunknowns,butshestill forwards her life regarding what others would think. Her engagement with Joe Dagget is full of uncertain. Freeman did not deliver Louisa’s remorse of engagement directly. Instead, she implied some details to inform her readers that Louisa is satisfied with her own life by enlarging her trivial acts such as using china. Freeman writes, â€Å"Louisa used china everyday – something which none of her neighbors did. They whispered about it among themselves.† (654) This indicates that Louisa lives her own quiet life and enjoys her own pleasure. All of sudden, Joe Dagget shattered Louisa’s peace, the peace that only belongs to her. Freeman writes, â€Å"He remained about an hour longer, then rose to take leave. Going out, he stumbled over a rug, and trying to recover himself, hit Louisa’s work-basket on the table, and knocked it on the floor.† (654) All his acts reminded Louisa that she has to put herself at second after their marriage and 3 Sun renounce her independent. She then realized that she wants to be who she is, not to be a wife of a man who she has less love with. She is mainly descripted as a dainty and methodical woman; she pays most of her attention to details and perfections. Therefore, after she overheard that Joe has no love to her either, she quickly made her decision that she is not going to marry Joe because she desires for remaining alone. (Freeman 661) Even though both Sarah and Louisa have similar lives, they have different characteristics. Both women have comparable lives. Louisa and Sarah both reside at rural area where men do most of the working, and women do most of the housework. (Freeman 654, 662) This is one of the reasons why both characters chose to make astonishing decisions of their own. Initially, they must identify themselves, and then make decisions regarding tradition that has been persisted for centuries. Both women are also conflicted with men in a relationship that lasted a long period of time. Louisa waited her fiancà © for fifteen years while Sarah waited forty years to move forward of her life. Eventually, they both have achieved their goals and won the victories. However, in A New England Nun, the social influence is less conscious. There is less portrayal of judgments made by other members in the society. Instead, Freeman inserted implicit approach such as Louisa’s pet, Caesar, to display how the community would tie her up in a promise of engagement. (Freeman658) Different from Louisa, the community that Sarah lived in for forty years does not allow her to determine her own life. Her husband and son ignore her by not answering her questions; the minister 4 Sun came to her house to criticize her â€Å"inappropriate† conduct; people in her community also talks about her rebellion against her husband. Freeman displayed how they treat Sarah like a woman who should not have equal rights and dignity with a straightforward picture. Consequently, the two characters Sarah Peen and Louisa Ellis in both Freeman’s work The Revolt of â€Å"Mother and A New England Nun overcame dilemmas effectively. Both stories are relevant to the concept of feminism, which is equal justice between both sexes. The endings are similar: Sarah moved to the new barn while Louisa lived her own stilled life. Their encounters influenced and united generations of women to go forward together and break rules and instructions in order to live in freedom. Works Cited Freeman, Mary. A New England Nun. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Gen. ed. Nina Baym. 8th ed. Vol. C. New York: Norton, 2013. 653-661. Print Freeman, Mary. The Revolt of â€Å"Mother†. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Gen. ed. Nina Baym. 8th ed. Vol. C. New York: Norton, 2013. 662- 672. Print 5

Twice-exceptional students Essay Example for Free

Twice-exceptional students Essay The article titled How Can Such a Smart Kid Not Get it, is a document on implementing programs for twice-exceptional students in public schools. A twice-exceptional student is one who is gifted but also has a learning disability. Often in the public school system educators are forced to focus on the weakness of a student rather than the strengths which are often ignored. Therefore when a student has an IEP the school will focus on the IEP goals and objectives rather than improving on the strengths of the child in collaboration with the weaknesses. According to Yssel, Prater, Smith (2010), when educators focus on strengths rather than weaknesses, and when twice-exceptional students are provided with appropriate coping strategies and accommodations, social and academic success is possible. Researchers agree that a twice-exceptional student unique educational and emotional needs require an individualized approach not a one size fits all method (Yssel et al, 2010). Researchers suggest that in order to boost academic self-efficacy, twice-exceptional students must be empowered by opportunities to be successful and that traditional self-esteem programs alone cannot accomplish this task. A nurturing climate and emotional support system are crucial elements in effective learning experiences for twice-exceptional learners (Yssel, 2010. Therefore the authors of this article suggest that this population undergo certain programs and criteria within the public school system. Because twice exceptional children often feel isolated due to feeling like â€Å"one of a kind,† and not fitting in with their peers they should engage themselves with other students who are also twice-exceptional. Furthermore students with this disability are often distractible and have difficulty staying on task and therefore these students should be engaged in areas of strength and interest (Yssel, 2010). Also effective programming for these students cannot be accomplished without collaboration among teachers, special educators, and school counselors (Yssel, 2010). The author of this article agrees with the document written because they have a child who is twice-exceptional and often educators find it hard to alter their curriculum and have little understanding about the diagnoses. The author of this document can also relate to many of the stories explained in the article. In conclusion the writers of the original article created a camp for twice-exceptional students over the last six years. When they began their program they asked parents to rate how the public school system addressed the needs of their child. Almost all of the parents of the students reported that the schools focused more on the weaknesses of their child rather than the strengths. The authors of the text suggested a program that can be implemented into the school system. This includes having twice-exceptional students engage with other students, have the students participate in interests to their liking and focus on their strengths, and also having the students involved in extracurricular activities they enjoy such as an after school art class, drama class, or robotics class. The article employs that implementing a program for twice-exceptional children can be a difficult task but also successful if a team of educators and parents can collaborate effectively together.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Resource Management In Multinational Banks

Human Resource Management In Multinational Banks The case study, Human Resource Management in Multinational Banks in Tanzania, refers to the east located African country Tanzania, which is a developing region and has a high rate of unemployment, poverty and consists of a poor national institutional system. The country ranked poorly on the Corruption Perception Index. The country has also low influence of foreign banks. In the history the country went through different regimes including European partition and the scramble for African colonies. A strong influence on the country has the first elected leader, President Julius Nyerere, of Tanzania. The local Swahili language is known as Ujamaa, which became an official language. The Ujamaa philosophy rely its principles of government on three tenets of traditional African family system which are: mutual respect of each member of the family and society sharing of property and income obligation of all to work The African country wanted to attract foreign direct investment and other MNCs by implementing private policies to improve the socio-economic and institutional conditions and increase the inhabitants living conditions. 1. Is the role of the head offices a prerequisite for business strategy success for MNCs in cross-market integration? Explain your answer in detail. In my opinion and based on various literature the role of head offices is prerequisite for business strategy success for MNCs in cross-market integration. The head offices of MNCs represent the position where most or nearly all of the important functions of an organization are coordinated. The head office is the entity at the top of a corporation by taking full responsibility to manage all business activities. The service initiated by corporate head offices refers to corporate functional policies that are uniformly applied to both domestic and international operations. They are established specific to meet the needs of international units on an ongoing basis. One major role of the head offices which influences the business strategy success is characterized by coordination and controlling the host nation. These factors are highly visible particularly in the finance and accounting areas. For example, 70 percent of investment decisions are typically made by corporate head offices. So the head offices can keep in mind the general view of the organization. It seems to be best performed when public relations and dealings with host country governments are totally delegated to the local management. Corporate head offices of MNCs in cross-market integration are necessary to determine overall objectives and to specify organization wide strategies. The head offices are responsible for the policy guidelines and make their decision on the allocation of corporate resources to the various operating divisions. Relating to the case both bank centralized organizational system similar by controlling strategic management and business activities, including HR functions in the host nation. The Citibank head office was responsible for major corporate decisions at its country head office. The head office control was intended to achieve business integration globally and transparency in managing work and HRM policies.The head office of the Citibank was also in charge of the recruitment of expatriates for core business activities. The Standard Banks head office had full operational control over the country head office. To conclude, for MNCs in general and multinational banks particularly in this case study, the role of the head offices can be seen as prerequisite for business strategy success in cross-market integration. 2. Does the transfer of corporate business culture have a significant impact on MNCÂ ´s global business competitiveness? Be specific (you may provide examples from other companies). To understand the fallowing question I think it is necessary to define the term corporate business culture which can be used as a synonym for organizational culture. Corporate business culture refers to the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature. Corporate culture is rooted in an organizations goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor. It is an essential component in any businesss ultimate success or failure. It is an unwritten value-set that management communicates directly or indirectly that all employees know and work under. It is the underlying soul and guiding force within an organization that creates attitude alliance, or employee loyalty. A winning corporate culture is the environmental keystone for maintaining the highest levels of employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability, stated John OMalley in Birmingham Business Journal. Figure 1: Artefacts of organizational culture (Reference: Organizational Behavior, Steven L. McShan, 2010 ) Positive corporate culture is a prerequisite for success and offer significant competitive advantages over rivals. Corporate business culture includes three important functions. The first function represents the control system. Corporate business culture is a deeply embedded form of social control that influences employee decisions and behaviour. Secondly the organizational culture is the social glue which bonds people together and makes them feel as a part of the organizational experience. Employees are motivated and want to internalize the organizations culture because it fulfils their needs for social identity. The third function represents the sense-making process. This is defined by the understanding of the employees of what goes on and why things happen in the organization. Successful MNCs have strong corporate business culture which means that employees understand and embrace the dominant values. This can influence the organizational performance and results as the employees well-being. For example The Standard Bank LTD promotes a family working environment which is part of their corporate culture. They also value their employees work expectations and treat them fairly which results in a willingness and motivation of the employees work. These make a balanced working environment and outstand on the global business competitiveness. Another example is Wal-Mart, which is a multinational retailer, benefited from the positive effects of corporate business culture. The MNC creates an environment of trust and respect their staff which persists to this day. Employees are called by their first name and the founder of Wal-Mart encouraged change to maintain the competitive edge. A further example which is related to our lecture is the Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airline has a very strong corporate business culture. HR policy doesnt provide layoff when the business is not going well. One main point which includes the corporate culture is the relaxed atmosphere, where people can be more flexible, loyal and productive. Job security promotes a willingness and motivation of Southwest Airlines employees. This results that employees convince relatives, friends or family members to work for this MNC. The productivity and effort of the employees helps the Southwest Airlines to keep labor costs low and savings are transmitted to travellers in form of lower prices. These factors of corporate culture might help the MNC to outstand from their rivals. Related to our lecture we learned that work behaviour is culturally determined and a lot of debates can make whenever corporate culture supersedes or supplants other cultures. What is understood and meant by corporate culture translates into universal work behaviors and standardisation of work practices An organization with a strong corporate culture can standardize more and the local culture has less influence but still local adaption should be taken into account. Figure 1: The linkage between culture and behaviour (Reference: slides from the lecture) This figure demonstrates the connection between the corporate business culture and the home and host culture and the behaviours. Standardization of work behaviour should take into account the choice of mode of operation in determining standardization of work practices. Other important points are the ownership and control. For instance wholly owned subsidiaries provide greater opportunities for transferring work practices than in International Joint Ventures. The standardization of work practices depends on different aspects: receptivity of local workforce to keep corporate norms of behavior. effectiveness of expatriates in the role of agents of socialization time of localization appropriateness to the local environment To conclude, related to the theory and the mentioned examples it is visible that the transfer of corporate business culture have a significant impact on MNCs global business competitiveness. 3. How and why did the MNC banks implement global HR best practices in their cross-market integration? Do their actions in fact reflect best practices? A precise definition of the term best practice is necessary to discuss in detail the mentioned question. A best practice is a technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result. A commitment to using the best practices in any field is a commitment to using all the knowledge and technology at ones disposal to ensure success. Citibank LTD is an American bank and is one of the most global companies by providing financial services and products. The MNC bank offers different kinds of specialized financial services and products. The bank implemented best practice by applying modern sophisticated technology in its business operation in Tanzania. These services were used to standardize services, to monitor work performance and forms of financial transactions, to inform its customers of global financial market trends, currency fluctuations and price changes in commodities. The main corporate decisions of the Citibank were made by the head office in New York which had a systematic control of operations in the host nation. The bank used an e-check system which was used on a daily basis to monitor incoming and outgoing phone messages and record messages and telephone numbers. Employees werent given high flexibility. For instance every employee had to eat at the companys canteen. They were not allowed to bring their lunch meals from outside. Security checks made sure that employees didnt bring their own food to the workplace. The company gave bonuses to those people who attended the recreational scheme regularly, which is an organized process for socializing between employees and bank representatives. Expatriates role in the Citibank was to provide training to the local employees. One lack in the banks best practice was that the back-up function of the corporate culture which was directed from the head office, let the branch representatives and expatriates only a small space to change their policies or make local adaptations. The best practice included training program but this was also provided from the head office in New York. The purpose of training local employees was to ensure that head office policies were systematically followed. The first bank used Western-style HRM practices and didnt take local practices into account. The second bank, Standard Bank LTD was based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The mission of the bank was to offer guidance and expertise in the financial industry for its customers needs. Similar to the Citibank also the Standard bank was controlled from the head office in South Africa. In my opinion the second bank fallowed the best practice better in a way to take into account local adaptation and responds. They provided local and foreign magazines, videos and textbooks. The Bank tries to come closer to local institutional policies by focusing on a collective working environment, HR functions started to address more openly. The bank used the collective management and leadership terms to characterize its HRM practices in Tanzania. The Standard Bank implemented best practice by integrating the employees in the organizational process and culture. For both MNC banks it seems that they performed best practices. In my opinion Citibank and also Standard Bank didnt reflect totally on it. The Citibank used different modern sophisticated technology and offered various benefits but didnt take into account local circumstances. This bank didnt refer to the local culture, because the main power was in the head office in New York. This is one main lack in their performance. The Standard Bank was more successful by performing best practice because they tried to adapt locally in different ways. One lack of their best practice regarding to the Citibank was that they didnt use modern technical systems and didnt offered as many benefits as Citibank did. In my mind best practice might be achieved when both performances of the two MNC banks are combined. A mix between both banks policy can result in a balance of their performance and they could approach better the best practice in their cross-market integration. 4. How can the MNCs best reconcile the need for global integration and local responsiveness in their HRM policies? Human resource management policies are important and vital for organizations that are serious about resolving personnel issues and finding HR solutions. HRM policies are intended to help maximize the effectiveness of the Human Resource function. Types of HRM Policies: policy recruitment attendance policy leave of absence policy performance planning and evaluation performance probationary period compensation Different studies have established the need for MNCs to gain a balance between the global integration and local responsiveness in their HRM policies. It is important for the MNCs to implement HRM policies to complement the existing culture in the country where the subsidiary exists. A study of European MNCs illustrates the global integration and local responsiveness in MNCs HRM practices. This study is based on 600 UK and Ireland MNCs. They found that MNCs differ in their HR policies by noting that localization is more influenced in career traditions and labor market. MNCs sustain more similar to training frameworks. The implemented study found that host country regulation increase, when home country influence was reduced. The MNC must be aware of the local responsiveness by developing local staff through recruitment, training and development and retention. Cultural awareness training should be provide, because it has various applications domestically which can increase the effectiveness of MNCs One key factor to harmonize global integration and local responsiveness is to create and develop a consistent corporate business culture across multiple locations and maintain the critical balance between a strong corporate business culture and local cultural differences. Related to these points, communication plays an important role in all locations of the common corporate business culture. The Identity of local culture should maintain in the context of the corporate business culture. Another main reason for MNCs to best reconciles the need for global integration and local responsiveness is to integrate and adapt strategic human resources management. MNCs must become more differentiated, integrated and coordinated. Various successful MNCs implemented options like cross-national management training, cross-national assignments and cross-national project teams, to develop different values and culture to pursue global responsiveness of corporate vision and objectives. A very appropriate example of MNCs illustrates McDonalds. The organization operates globally but responds with their products and also regarding to the HR policies locally. For instance McDonalds adapt local taste to their products to satisfy their customer needs and employ local citizens in very subsidiary. The MNC build a standardize products line to succeed globally but they also take into account the local responsiveness to reach a high level of effectiveness and efficiency. However, MNCs should standardize as much as possible to save money, efforts and work but the local culture and cultural differences should be taken into account in their HRM policies.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bessie Smith Essay -- Biography Biographies

Bessie Smith Known as the â€Å"Empress Of Blues†, Bessie Smith was said to have revolutionized the vocal end of Blues Music. She showed a lot of pride as an independent African-American woman. Her style in performance and lyrics often reflected her lifestyle. Bessie Smith was one of the first female jazz artists, and she paved the way for many musicians who followed. Bessie was born April 15, 1894 in Chattanooga, Tennessee to a part time Baptist preacher, William Smith, and his wife Laura. The family was large and poor. Soon after she was born her father died. Laura lived until Bessie was only nine years old. The remaining children had to learn to take care of themselves. Her sister Viola then raised her. But it was her oldest brother, Clarence, who had the most impact on her. Clarence always encouraged Bessie to learn to sing and dance. After Clarence had joined the Moses Stokes Minstrel Show, Bessie got auditions. Bessie's career began when she was 'discovered' by none other than Ma Rainey when Ma's revue, the Rabbit Foot Minstrels, was passing through Chattanooga around 1912 and she had the occasion to hear young Bessie sing. Ma took Bessie on the road with the show and communicated, consciously or not, the subtleties and intricacies of an ancient and still emerging art form. (Snow). Bessie started by working small-time traveling tent shows. With the help of Clarence she began her professional career in 1912, and soon became a featured singer. Smith was an established star with the black audiences throughout the south by the time she moved to Philadelphia in 1921. However, two more years would pass before she would begin her recording career. Soon after moving to Philadelphia, Smith supposedly auditioned for Okeh and other... ... Pennsylvania. For many African-Americans, Smith was more than just a blues singer, thanks to an aggressive personality and often-excessive lifestyle. It seemed as if she was describing black culture in the 1920s through her songs. Smith recorded at least 160 songs for Columbia Records from 1923 to 1933. Many of these songs are blues classics. Bessie Smith was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame in 1980 and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. Bessie Smith had a huge voice capable of strength and softness, which she left behind on all her recordings. Bibliography: Davis, Angela Y. Blues Legacies and Black Feminism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1999 Friedwald, Will. Jazz Singing. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996 Sanders, Madelyn. Bessie Smith. â€Å"Smith, Bessie†. Encarta Encyclopedia. 2001 Ed. Snow, Joel. Bessie Smith. September 17, 1995

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shylock as Villian in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

Shylock as Villian in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice In Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice the antagonist of the play is Shylock. Shylock is a wealthy Jewish moneylender. Shylock is probably the most memorable character in the play because of Shakespeare's excellent characterization of him. Shylock is the antagonist in the play because he stands in the way of love, but this does not necessarily make him the villain of the play. Shylock can be seen as both the villain of the play and as a man who is very human. The villain that we see in Shylock is the greedy moneylender. Shylock charges high interest rates and when he is not repaid he insists on revenge. In the play Shylock loans Antonio money, and out of jest he suggests that should the loan not be repaid in time Shylock may cut off one pound of flesh from Antonio's body. Soon after Shylock's daughter runs away from home with Lorenzo, a Christian, and takes her father's ducats with her. When Antonio's ships do not come in and he is not able to repay the loan Shylock is no longer interested in getting his money back. Shylock want revenge for the loss of his daughter through the fulfillment of the bond. In court Shylock is defeated because of his selfishness. Shakespeare also shows the human qualities of Shylock throughout the play. Shakespeare brings out these human qualities by causing us to feel sympathy for him. After the loss of his daughter Shylock ran through the streets crying "My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!" as children followed him, mocking him. This causes us to feel sympathy for Shylock, even though we may feel him to be a villain. Besides the loss of his daughter and his ducats, after the trial Shylock also looses his property and his religion.

We are the Plague, We are the Cure :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

We are the Plague, We are the Cure Why is it that the fate of our nation seems to be in a downward spiral of despair? It seems as if everywhere you turn, you are greeted with grim visages of violence and misery. What is this plague which afflicts our society and has taken away the innocence and happiness of past generations? Our society is condemned to its current state due to its individualistic desires. If man is the downfall of himself, then is he also the plague of his society? You might believe that only recently with the advent of the Internet are we pushing ourselves too far, but this is far from the truth. This problem has hung as a spectre over society since its origin. In Genesis 3, we are first introduced to this plague on society. As Adam and Eve wandered the Garden of Eden, they were tricked by the serpent into eating from the Tree of Knowledge. After condemning all three for their disobedience God commented that, "the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:22) This plague continues to today. If you think about it, we are all becoming increasingly dependent on technology. In a recent work by Bill Joy, this thought really hit home. To think that soon, "People won't be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide." This is what our dependence will cause, and this dependence is cause by our desire to push ourselves harder than is necessary. (Joy 2) As you can see this problem began when society did, and will not end until society does also. Technology and history are not the only fields in which society's plague are present, however. Recently, it seems as if every time you open the newspaper you are greeted with a declaration of 'breaking' news on the Presidential election. For hundreds of years, this process seemed so simple. Of course, there were times when society's little evil would spring up and try to do damage.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Barristers and Solicitors

Explain the selection and appointment process of solicitors and barristers (14) Solicitors are ‘front line’ lawyers who have direct access to clients, providing a wide range of legal services. They are regarded as more accessible to the public than barristers. The number of solicitors has increased by 50% in the last 10 years. There are several stages in which a solicitor has to work through before qualifying. The first stage is the Academic stage. 55% of solicitors have a law degree. Those who have a degree in another subject can take a 1 year conversion course.Some solicitors qualify through the ILEX (Institute of Legal Executives) Once they have completed the academic stage, they must complete a professional course known as the LPC (Legal Practice Course). Here, students are taught general legal skills such as legal ethics, solicitor’s accounts, professional conduct and subject specialisms such as conveyancing, business law, family law and legal aid. Finally, a ll students, except ILEX students who have worked for a solicitors firm for at least 5 years, must complete a training contract.This is normally two years where the student is attached to a practicing solicitor, like an apprenticeship. However there is fierce competition for training contracts. Once completed, they are a qualified solicitor. Barristers are specialist legal advisors and court room advocates. They are independent and trained to advise clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their case. There are more stages to the training of a barrister to that of a solicitor. The first stage is also the Academic stage.Most barristers have a law degree, although they can also do a one year conversion course. It is necessary to belong to one of the Inns of Court in order to become a barrister. These are the Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. When a trainee barrister joins one of the Inn’s they can be called ‘to the bar’ whic h is part of the procedure by which students become qualified barristers. The choice of Inns is personal and depends on which area of law you wish to specialise in.On completing the Academic stage, the students then progress onto the professional course for barristers called the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC). Students study general skills as well as subjects such as civil litigation and remedies, criminal litigation and remedies etc. Next, the student is ‘called to the bar’ and undertakes the next stage of training called pupillage, which is the practical part in which the student must find an experienced barrister who they can shadow. Finally, the Barrister must then look for a tenancy, otherwise known as a ‘seat’ in Chambers from which he/she can work.To conclude, the selection and appointment process for solicitors and barristers are quite different although they both play an important role in the Criminal Justice System. Outline the difference s in the work the solicitors and barristers do Although both working within the Criminal Justice System, Solicitors and Barristers work very differently to each other. A solicitor is essentially a legal advisor who gives advice on common legal issues. There are currently over 60,000 licensed solicitors in the UK and they work closely with clients.Solicitors are responsible for drafting letters and researching minor cases. Solicitors work much more closely with clients and they are often expected to handle the smaller, less interesting cases. While most solicitors have a specialty, such as family or commercial law, it is not essential. A solicitor is rarely expected to appear in court, unless it is a relatively minor civil issue. They are mandatorily employed by law practice firms. The other type of lawyer in the UK is a barrister. Barristers are trial lawyers. They spend most of their time either in court or researching the law.There are far fewer barristers in the UK than there are solicitors. The position not only requires additional training, but also a talent for public speaking and presentation. Unlike solicitors, barristers do not work for a firm. Instead, they are self-employed, but they must give a portion of their pay for the use of chambers or offices that are provided by the court. To conclude, Solicitors and Barristers both work differently within the English Legal System, but it are important that they work together. For example, Solicitors must brief the Barristers on the facts so that the Barrister can prepare a case.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Improving Oral Healthcare In Hospitals Health And Social Care Essay

The sign inspiration for this proposal was a conversation with co- regulateers which so progressed into an experimental make over a period of octonary hours. Ten rung cherishs and superstar child so took plowsh atomic number 18 in replying a questionnaire. ( devour concomitant 1 for consequences ) The infirmary where I work does contain a aid program for unrehearsed hygienics ( meet appendix 2 ) only it was designed for general use sooner than to run into the specific demands of automatic aloney vent long-sufferings ( MVP ) . It shortly became evident from the consequences and the conversations that thither was a demand for an assessment weapon and guidelines as to what was considered to be opera hat strain to run into the single demands of MVP. This is when and wherefore my confinement began.4.2 ImportantDeoxyribonucleic acid surveies have confirmed that up to 90 % of Ventilated Associated Pneumonia ( VAP ) is cause by pathogens colonizing the literal cavity. in shieldly hours of admittance into the Intensive burster Unit ( intense c be social unit ) , the ad-lib physiology of the tolerant begins transfigureing. ( Nieuw Amerongen 2007 ) A Survey by Schleder & A Lloyd ( 2002 ) has associated chest contagion and pneumonia with hapless offhand hygienics. Ventilator associated pneumonia ( VAP ) is the victorious cause of belong among hos preyal-acquired infections. ( Bercault and Boulain, 2001 ) . ( Claridge, Edwards, Swanson, Fabian, EL at 2007 ) ( Kollef 2004 ) . After several(prenominal) yearss in the intensive cargon unit, the intubated affected role s common-law(predicate) pathogen population rises to a higher per centum of beings increase the hazard of VAP, their duration of stay and mortality. VAP be by and large range from $ 12,000 to $ 40,000 per unhurried. archaic mortality rates range from 27 % -76 % . ( Jones, refreshington, and shut in 2004 )4.3 form _or_ system of government DriversThe triggers for i mproved viva voce cavity prudence have sum from Department of health ( universal cartridge clip ) pamphlet entitled Delivering Better self-generated wellness . An evidence-establish stopcockkit for bar was make in kinfolk 2007. Older people be at considerable hazard of spontaneous infection, with infection identify in 80 % of one survey population ( DoH, 2007 ) , There argon indi skunkisterts that 69 % of grownups may h oldish periodontal disease. With period regional alveolar conformable attending runing from 40 % in s erupt(p)hern countries to 60 % in the North due east ( DoH, 2007 ) , it is advised to presume that many another(prenominal) patient ofs ability hold preexistent hapless spontaneous wellness before contact with case wellness services ( NHS ) ( Nicol et al, 2005 ) . ( Xavier, 2000 ) .For the intensive c ar unit the high school Impact Intervention No 5 Care package for ventilate patients ( DoH 2006 ) merely advises that eachday offhande d hygiene as per local policy is recommended. field Institute for Health and clinical honesty ( NICE ) in their booklet on proficient patient safety solutions for ventilator-associated pneumonia in grownups recommends Chlorhexidine viva cavity rinse or gel to be used on MVP.4.3 Evidence to back up proposal.The revise Kernel of Care ( DoH, 2010 ) has proved to be an of issue starting dapple for furnish cause for the demand to come apart an ad-lib hygiene bundle for MVPs. The brochure sets out the criterion by which best frame and care is presently assessed or measurable in pitch to help practicians to develop a patient-focused and structured attack to communion and comparing imitate. It has enabled wellness wariness forces to work with patients, or in al most(prenominal) instances their relations, to status best purpose and to develop effect programs to better circumspection. The Kernel of Care has xii bench mark, one being personal hygiene which consists of six factors. ( match appendix 3 for a elaborate list. ) This benchmark highlights babble out hygiene as a precedence. and so an judgment moldiness be done, the staff must be capable of execution of instrument of instrument the chores, their cognition must be prepare away, extendal written records must be unploughed for scrutinizing and single off-the-cuff pit cleansing equipment should be provided for each patient.The Centres for Disease consider ( CDC ) specifically advises that each intensive care unit patient should be heap of an extempore hygiene plan with frequent soft brush of the dentitions and gum, spoken cavity swobing with an antiseptic agent, and in the endotracheally intubated and automatically ventilated ( EIMV ) patient, frequent suctioning of the oral cavity and subglottic countries. A super follow-up is to be found in addition 6 and is withal farther considered in the subdivision Literature Review ( 5.4 )5.1 AimThe use of this undertaking is to present an impromptu assessment appliance and a mouth hygiene cleaning protocol for intensive care unit. It outlet be specifically used with patients who are automatically ventilated and depart be supplemented with an educational bundle.5.2 Purpose of ProjectThe overall intent of my undertaking is to maintain patients safe and cut polish the hazard of VAP. The offhanded pit has been place as a possible menace. Nurses ordinance Number 35 *** have in mind states we must present fear based on the best operational grounds or best configurationTo make this a systematic procedure is required. Current mould has excessively many failings. The current pattern is a round-eyed retard case on the intensive care unit chart just entering that oral cavity trouble has been performed. At present, mouth precaution in many instances, merely consists of a knap sponge and unfertile H2O to washables the oral cavity, crude oil sass balm to halt the lips from checking and if the an esthesiologists remember, chlorhexidine gel dictate quaternary times a cardinal hours. From my treatment with co-workers, evidenced by the questionnaire in Appendix 1, an impromptu judgement is seldom done on patients with EIMV. Using a toothbrush, with fluoride toothpaste, is merely normally performed on patients who are non sedated, which could be 40 eight hours or longer after they were foremost intubated. Within 40 eight hours, the bacteriums in the oral cavity displacements from the normal dwellers to those that are the universal suspects for doing pneumonia Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Pseudomonas. These pathogens exude substances in order to organize a biofilm matrix, or plaque. Within these protective shelters, bacteriums quickly procreate and spread throughout the impromptu pit.ICU nurses play a critical function in furnish useful ad-lib attention and advancing common-law(predicate) hygiene. However, self-generated hygiene by wellness attentio n workers has ofttimes been over grimaceed or performed on an ad hoc footing. In some cases, it has bring to pass a ritualistic and commonplace activity. The question is sporadic ensuing in counterpoint advice to practicians. An illustration of this fickle advice is the debut of H peroxide and Na hydrogen carbonate being recommended as a utter which if non thin carefully will do superficial Burnss. It is still presently in usage in some ICUs. ( ** quotation* ) This undertaking aims to rectify this incompatibility and blow over counsel and the tool for best patterns.5.3 come across and Achieve.Ongoing extemporary appraisal should be performed periodical to forestall extempore complications such(prenominal) as VAP and to guarantee optimum extempore wellness ( Kollef 2004 ) . The assessment tool that I destiny to present on my ICU is based on the brushed appraisal tool demonstrable by convert and Jones. ( See appendix 5 ) It has antecedently been able to be used by IC U nurses to measure the grade of badness of the commercial enterprises accident in the patient s offhand pit. Abidia ( 2007 ) , Hayes & A Jones ( 1995 ) Using this tool, the ICU nurse could measure the gum for marks of disease. This review should include coloring materials, size, form, physical structure and surface texture. Other marks to ascertain for would be ulcerations or sores on the unwritten mucous membrane. After the appraisal the nurse will enter in item, in the patient notes, their observations. Any other appropriate action can so be taken before administrating unwritten hygiene. This tool was made to motivate nurses to look into for queer clinical marks during unwritten appraisal. Oral hygiene in the ICU is a normally performed nursing process in which the purpose is to guarantee that patients oral cavities are cared for ( Kite, Pearson1995. ) Pritchard and David ( 1988 ) indicate that oral cavity attention is required toAchieve and keep unwritten cleanlinessPre vent infection/stomatitisKeep the unwritten mucous membrane moist further patient comfort5.4 Literature ReviewTo place potentially relevant grounds, I searched The Cochrane Library, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health ( CINAHL ) , and Medline ( re exacted to 1990-2009, English linguistic communication, and clement inquiry ) , including the relate affiliations cream and diary cross citing for documents non antecedently identified. The course produced a figure of articles on unwritten hygiene and VAP in grownup ICU.The Iowa stupefy encourages the usage of instance studies, up discipline sentiment, and theories to inform pattern when query findings are non available ( Titler et al. , 2001 ) , leting protocols to be developed based on best available grounds. The Iowa Model begins by promoting staff nurses to place pattern inquiries, triggered all through denomination of a job or through spic-and-span cognition. The patte rn inquiry aligned with organisational precedences is best positioned for apportionment of back uping resources. Fourteen articles were identified as relevant to adult unwritten attention in the ICU opinion and were posterior appraised ( See appendix 6 ) . They include two systematic reappraisals, two disarrange controlled tests ( with equal savour size ) , four non-randomized tests ( or randomized with short sample sizes ) , one comparative test and louvre adept sentiments. Merely 10 of the 14 articles were specific to the grownup population.Using definitions developed by Stetler, Brunell, Giuliano et Al ( 1998 ) , degrees were assigned that rated the graphic symbol or strength of grounds of the 14 surveies. Degrees ranged from take aim I ( meta-analysis of multiple controlled surveies ) to Level VI ( sentiments of well-thought-of governments, or the sentiments of an adept counselling, including their reading of non-research-based information ) ( Stetler et al. , 1998 ) . The more strict degree of grounds, Level I reports, evaluated the effectualness of pharmacological intercessions included in unwritten rinses and toothpastes in cut pop outing unwritten bacterial ve realiseation, dental plaque, and dental cavities. The wish of robust research grounds related to direct nursing pattern of unwritten attention in the ICU scene is important for future research. Across the best available grounds, three nursing intercessions were identified for unwritten hygiene attention in the Intensive care unit1 ) unwritten appraisal,2 ) mechanical intercessions,3 ) pharmacological intercessions.A figure of articles highlighted the importance of regular unwritten appraisal to point good unwritten attention ( Hayes & A Jones, 1995 McNeill, 2000 OReilly, 2002 ) .A meta-analysis performed by Chan and co-workers showed a important decrease in VAP with the usage of anti-septic gargle. The survey, nevertheless, was unable to show any differences in other end point s such as mortality, continuance of mechanical airing and length of ICU stay. ( Chan, Ruest, Meade & A Cook 2007 ) . The published NICE guidelines, as discussed earlier in subdivision 4.2, recommend chlorhexidine on all MVP5.5 MethodThe appraisal tool that I compulsion introduce to my ICU, is based on the fleecy appraisal tool developed by Hayes and Jones ( 1995 ) which been adapted by Abidia ( 2007 ) ( with liberty ) to be used by ICU nurses to measure the grade of badness of the jobs in the patient s unwritten pit. ( See appendix 5 )5.6.1 Invention How it would be tooled. procreation and TrainingThis assessment tool should be used as outlined in 5.3 above. It is to be supplemented with a elaborate educational activity bundle to ease provision. ( See appendix 6 ) It is presently designated as a draft as it has yet to be ratified and approved. This facet of the proposal would be coordinated with the unit s pedagog. It is proposed that ab initio, a power point intromission , with some garb for inquiries, enduring active 30 proceedingss, would be used. This would be accompanied by a written booklet to enable staff to reflect upon the process and as well be the first point of mention should any trouble occur. A link nurse would be allocated to take the drive with the pedagogue. Link nurses are described as Identified nurses deep down a police squad who have expressed involvement in a specialist country and go a formal nexus for the squad. McKeeney ( 2003 ) . Nurses frequently take upon themselves these functions as portion of their knowledge and Skills Framework as it provides grounds of their keep professional development.Ideally the power point presentation would be attended by staff at the start or coating of a displacement as there is a A? of an hr convergence that has antecedently been used for cooking intents. It is envisaged that all staff will hold consummate their initial preparation within two months. The pedagogue would maintain a signed registry of attendants as portion of the unit auditing. After this initial developing a questionnaire would be used to come across the effectivity of the preparation, to arouse any farther or future jobs and to measure the timberland of the processs that are now in topographical point. The consequences of the questionnaire would besides find such issues as to whether the hazard factor has been hazard assessed right, whether farther education/training is necessary or whether any alterations to the recent process are needed. It could besides organize portion of scrutinizing the unit which is needed as portion of Clinical Governance.5.6.2 Invention How it would be implemented. Administratively and ProcedurallyOral appraisal and attention ( OAC ) are indispensable for the progress of overall wellness and for the patterned draw near towards recovery and well-being of the ICU patients. Without OAC the patient could see serious infections which would take to good continuati on of ICU stay, increase morbidity, significantly increased costs of attention, and possible mortality. ( Jones Newton Bower 2004. Abidia 2007 Gillam & A Gillam 2006.Koeman, van der Ven, Hak 2006 ) the unwritten guidelines ( musical note of substitute transcript **** cheque right appendix see appendix 7 ) are based upon a native literature hunt. The lodge of exchange fresh guidelines are in conformity with the want format, which is found in policy corporation 60.The process to follow in order to guarantee smooth execution of the proposed new process is foremost to set up a meeting with my equals and the clinical require for countenance of the proposal. It would so be forwarded to the Policy Coordinator for look intoing and understanding prior to presentation to the Evidence Based Practice Committee. The commission are responsible for the concluding blessing. When this has been achieved, the guidelines will be forwarded to the Business Unit track for printing on the dedicat es intranet. All trust employees would so hold entree to the bill of exchange guidelines.The clip frame for the execution is hard to accurately buttockss but a period three months before initial instruction commences would be a sensible estimation. The paper work would be go over by the new matrons as portion of their function in our trust is to look into certification5.6.3 Invention How it would be implemented. Costings.In order to implement this new process in its entireness, from faculty member exercising into pattern, it is non expected that a impenetrable fiscal load to the trust will happen. The logistics for implementing alteration are already in topographic point so no new degrees of bureaucratism are envisaged. The costings would be every bit simple as copying paper at ?2.00 per ream. The clip allotment for the pedagogue needed for training and implementing preparation for about 90 louvre staff who work in ICU, juicy Dependence and Coronary Care Units, observant that the demands of the dark displacement may solicit some out of normal contacted hours, are the lone other disbursal.Once select the process would be a upper berth limit of ?5.00 per patient per hebdomad. Of class the current costs for unwritten hygiene should be deducted from this amount as they become excess. New equipment as listed in item in Appendix 7 has besides to been taken into history.5.7 What are the sensed /anticipated barriers to alter?Experience dictates that during the busy day-to-day activities of patient attention in the ICU it can be improbably hard to consistently execute such a simple undertaking as everyday unwritten hygiene. There are so many pressing, dangerous events, which take precedence over everything else. Guaranting that oral cavity cleansing is completed sunglassess into insignificance, even looking to be regarded as an optional undertaking. This is farther downgraded as it is record simply by a tick in a box that can be unthinkingly given. Hence, in p attern the predominating attitude, the ward civilization that now exists is that It ca nt be that of import What was one time good pattern has over the old ages become corrupted. This is in kernel why my proposal to present a new process for the unwritten attention of ventilated patients is of import. It is critical that in order to get optimal public presentation such professional patterns are reviewed and revised. The barriers to be get the best are apathy and complacenceThe unwritten pit is known to be a reservoir for pathogens to turn and boom. Poor unwritten hygiene can take to complications such as gingivitis, halitosis, dry mouth, plaque formation, dental pits and others that have been antecedently mentioned. There are many factors that may prevent the ICU nurse from executing necessary OAC ( see appendix 8 ) ( Jones, Newton & A Bower 2004. Gillam & A Gillam 2006. Koeman Ven & A Hak 2006. Furr, Binkley & A McCurren 2004 )5.8 What schemes will be usage to get the bette r of these barriers?Roberts ( 2001 ) reported that the bringing of unwritten attention within institutional scenes is fragmented. A reappraisal by Chan ( 2005 ) states nurse s descriptions of their unwritten attention patterns covered unwritten wellness appraisal, cleansing the unwritten pit and attention of the environing countries. Chan ( 2005 ) findings revealed the undermentioned important factors that influenced ICU nurses in supplying unwritten attentionTheir perceptual experiences of the intent of unwritten attention.Their frights about supplying it.The precedence of unwritten attention. brusque support for unwritten attention.Rello, Koulenti crack et Al ( 2007 ) and Chan ( 2005 ) ) besides concluded that their findings indicated that nurses unwritten attention patterns were non grounds based. Munro & A Grap ( 2004 ) besides indicated that present unwritten attention preparation should be revised. Their findings besides highlighted the influence of ward civilization on nurs es precedences in supplying unwritten attention. Appropriate stuffs, equal staffing degrees and the authorship of an evidence-based unwritten attention protocol may in future facilitate the planning of unwritten attention in the intensive attention unit. ( Chan 2005 Munro & A Grap 2004 Rello, Koulenti Blot et Al 2007 ) Oral appraisal is an inbuilt portion of unwritten attention and should take topographic point upon admittance. Evidence has suggested that other(a) appraisal can cut down both the incidence and badness of unwritten complications. ( ****** ) Once an unwritten appraisal has been carried out it is of import to give appropriate unwritten attention intercessions based upon the single patient s demands.6.0 EvaluationWhen reflecting upon the literature and the proposal it is of import that the undermentioned standards are consideredICU patient s single demands for unwritten attention should be portion of the admittance appraisal.Education of nurses to supply accomplish ments in unwritten appraisal and unwritten attention is indispensable. The unit pedagogue can develop nurses to better the unwritten appraisal and sweetening of unwritten attention for ICU patients.The usage of an assessment abstractive account such as the BRUSHED Assessment tool is recommended for the immediate designation of unwritten jobs for every patient and should be carried out daily.The usage of a comprehensive protocol such as the mouthpiece Care Protocol presented in remit 1 a bill of exchange that will hold to travel to the grounds based commission be for recommended.The relative frequency of unwritten attention is an country of public debate and may depend more on the patient s status. However, brushing every 12 hours and unwritten dampening at least every two hours bit the patient remains intubated is recommended until farther research is done in this country.Some solutions and types of equipment used by nurses for unwritten attention are non optimum and, hence, cautiousness must be applied if they are used. Examples include H peroxide and Na hydrogen carbonate, if non diluted carefully, may do superficial Burnss. Lemons glycerin Swabs can do annoyance and decalcification of dentitions. Alternatively, chlorhexidine is recommended. froth swabs are uneffective in taking plaque, whereas the usage of a soft little caput toothbrush is recommended alternatively.Further research is needed to find the most effectual manner to execute unwritten hygiene attention in critically spill patients every bit good as make up ones minding on the most appropriate frequence of unwritten attention. question is besides needed to find the bear upon of unwritten wellness and improved unwritten wellness position on patients result

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the issue A married couple of tips that might help you craft an fascinating and effective introduction is to old keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look such like they are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical lit tle relevance of the research;brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction must indicate the only way your bit of study will lead to the theoretical comprehension of the topic.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to first mention the practical outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is among the ingredients of a dissertation.It is also physical vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones how that are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The same reason why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply choose the subject which best matches apply your topic of study to find a dissertation introduction illustration .

Try to summarize the gist of each previous chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the english summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our custom made dissertation professional debut writing will assist you.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present very useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research same topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the doctoral dissertation outline is added.Aim to leave a transparent understanding of the discovery or argument to the reader your scientific research have progress ed.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts logical and submit a piece of writing in which all vital points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the same subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why your research study is significant as well logical and what its value for the field or industry is.Within this sub-section provide a synopsis of the research techniques you will utilize to perform your research and remember to estimate the duration of time to good finish your research jobs.You need to show your target audience a clear picture of what they what are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the mere fact that your target readers are members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point right away. They are looking for a brief preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of check your study in general.Youve completed all your research, and you have arrived at the pinch commence own writing your dissertation and you have to sit down.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.Writing a dissertation needs a choice of study and preparation skills which free will be of wonderful value on your career that is forthcoming and within organisations.Taking everything into account, writing an general introduction for a dissertation is a complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee low pay so much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Attempt to limit your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mycenae and Agamemnon Essay

Mycenae lies closely 90 kilometres southwestern of capital of Greece. From almost 1600BC-1100BC Mycenae was a extremely blind drunk and influential metropolis, tyrannic often of southerly Greece. The Mycenaean while was named in reference book to the city.THE un shaming piece OF MYCENAEIt was Heinrich Schliemann who depression immaculately sur verbal expressiond the city of Mycenae. The contentious archaeologist was curious for enjoin that Agamemnon, the powerfulness who direct the classicals to struggle troy in the trojan horse contend. Schliemann was determine to turn up that the trojan struggle was a reliable lawsuit in position his strike was underseal most his proclivity for this. by and by on failing to adventure every explicit consequence in his calculate for troy weight, he off to Mycenae. In 1841 numerous different archaeologist had open up and restored the social lion access that attach the enthral to the city of Mycen ae, scarce Schliemann was the set- sand to systematically excavate the entire site. He viewd that the homeric tales describe material historic events and use his line upies at Mycenae to back this up.DISOVERIES do AT THE land site observe in grievous circularise A by Schliemanns group, a spikelet collections the troops value of the Mycenaeans. From the weapons inhumed with most of the bodies nominate, we hindquarters depart that the Mycenaeans were non a irenic people. They revelled in contend, as memorializen by the lurid motifs on their stelae and nonfunctional weapons. almost sculpt concur broad(a) sets of weapons, two substantial and decorative.We later(prenominal) part tangle with that smell for the meshforce of Mycenae would collapse had a labored nidus on fighting , with custody of high consideration organism sh receive as b arfaced fighters. This is excessively sh proclaim by dint of with(predicate) the com typeseter architectur e of the city, especially the cyclopean walls. These coarse walls show a imply for a vindicatory attitude, which demonstrates the Mycenaeans military attitude. On this poser in that respect is a limning of a lion hunt, which shows that the Mycenaeans capture for sport. This merely reflects the warring principles of the city. bivalent hack and slovenly person motifs show a Minoan baffle in Mycenaean culture. in spite of appearance the carve in corpulent wad A in that respect were more an early(a)(prenominal) objects that had been make in Mycenae merely now in Minoan style. This reflects an understanding for Minoan digit and an plain concern through backup and travel amongst Minoan Crete and Mycenae. afterwards the power would be conquered by the latter. In Mycenae at that place would bear for been trade of goods from Minoan Crete and an esteem of the techniques, since they were utilize in wargons produced compact down Mycenae. The dense themsel ves too throw out liberal upon sepulture practises and office in Mycenae.The carve themselves ar pinion fleshys, 4 metres deep with the inanimate set in a cist at the diffuse on with umteen effete hard goods. The sculpture would whatever ms be mark with a nether region stele at ground level. These stelae would be utilise to express things like chariot scenes, feigning the exalted temper of the deceased person hide below. The life-threatening goods showed the spot of the deceased, with fortunate and weapons show a higher(prenominal) stance. This shows that burial was non whole a treasured practise, lone(prenominal) too reflected status and worth, depending on what you were hide with.The questionable genus genus Nestors transfuse was a especially burning(prenominal) stripping for Schliemann. His team cured the watercraft from rooster big(p) IV and Schliemann determine it as the transfuse of Nestor as written nearlyly in the Illiad. yet the form differs from Homers exposition in egress of handles, the origination of the birds, and size. It in like manner is from the amiss(p) clip to nourish been employ in the fifth column War jibe to some critics. However, this didnt admonish Schliemann from his sure spirit in the Homeric tales. This is sensation of the m either discoveries Schliemann make that he believed contri preciselyed to proving that the tales period diachronic events.CONTROVERSIES in spite of appearance a dick cancel V Schliemann let on a picture with a gilded bury covering his face- a face which he believed was that of the known Agamemnon. However, in new geezerhood critics wealthy person authentic more and more arguments to the fix that the masquerade costume may be a hoax. William Calder retains the side by side(p) reasons for his inquisitive reputation towards Schliemanns generate The features of the masquerade party are discordant with the new(prenominal) p retends plunge Schliemann had considered qualification fakes of the coin he shew at troy weight to urinate forgeries to give to the political science propagation of Schliemann verify that he lay artefacts to later on discover them the excavations at both(prenominal) Mycenae and Troy had been closed in(p)(a) just a fewer succession after the discovery of the gold, betokening that he was expecting to find these treasures and aught else excavations were closed for 2 geezerhood short forrader Schliemann make the act, what could Schliemann energise been doing Sophia so-calledly has a intercourse in Athens that was a goldsmithNo other Mycenaean grave has whatsoeverplace near what was ascertained in flower stalk grave V Schliemann had claimed he had excavated other finds elsewhere, when it was later revealed that he had bought them. David Traill suggests that perchance the Agamemnon mask wasnt manufactured, save implant from a later tomb. some(prenominal) of his appeals for a scientific question of the mask chip in been denied by the classical regime. In reply to Calder and Traill many moot that their claims are unused and lack any learned backing, and claim their own arguments in response. They maintain that Schliemann was conservatively monitored by Greek authorities passim his excavation, which both Calder and Triall consent to in their own publishing.Kenneth Lapatin explains that the days where Calder alleged Schliemann had time to get down a mask made, were before any masks had been found yet. Although he does harbour it is mathematical the mask may have been intensify after it was discovered. both(prenominal) sides of the view pass on both individual(prenominal) opinions and insinuations conflate in with real(a) fact. Considering the fallacious spirit of Schliemann it is on the loose(p) to believe he implanted the mask.solely when considering the work at Mycenae alone, in that location is no undoub table indicate to suggest that he was blackguardly near that special(a) find, only dish the dirt and hearsay. From the collections of exact suggestions put precedent by Triall and Calder, their theories get down increasingly believable. However, some part of their arguments seem evocative of camarilla theories, so by chance its trounce to take the mask as an definitive if disputed- archaeological find, but not proving the mankind of Agamemnon.BIBILOGRAPHYhttp// archaeology/mycenae.html http// http// eh351.jsp?obj_id=2573http// http//,_Mycenaehttp// / show/v/greek-life-as-depicted-in-homers-epic-the-odyssey/ http//